The Basics of Using Google Analytics

An SEO company and SEO consultant would constantly require its clients to register with Google Analytics. This is because Google Analytics is a free service from Google that functions to track the traffic that is coming in to the targeted website. You would however discover later on when using Google analytics that it does more than to track traffic, it actually gives you valuable insights in about the behavior of your traffic whenever they visit your website. Many SEO Companies and SEO Consultants however, are not able to maximise the functionalities offered by Google analytics which leads to poor site evaluation of a target website.

Processes to utilise Google analytics to the fullest

1. Use the Goal and Event Tracking Google analytics offers a goal and event tracking which function by displaying the conversions made in your website and the number thereof. Google analytics allows you to define or set the goals and events that you want to be tracked, for example, a goal may be the number of sign ups or purchases made in your website, while events may be the number of times users clicked on the purchase form or the sign-up forms.

2. Focus on Customer Segmentation if you would like Google to track the traffic according to customer type then it would be best to focus on customer segmentation. This will display the behavior of your traffic and the paths that the client or customer took while visiting your website. Among those that are tracked in customer segmentation are the new visitors and returning visitors.

3. Track Categories not all pages may be tracked or some web pages might have higher importance on being tracked than others, this is why segmenting your web pages in order to track those that are deemed to be more important is considered as an important feature in Google analytics. This will allow you to compare the traffic coming in, say in page A as compared with page B.

Just a few of the basic features..

These are just some of the basic features that you can utilise with Google analytics in order for you not only to track your pages progress but you would also be given a good insight on how your website fare in terms of conversions for your products. One thing that you should always put into consideration before starting to use Google analytics is to effectively plan what you want Google analytics track in your website.


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